Before coming to Pope St. John XXIII, I was a truck driver for an asphalt company. I started feeling a call to the priesthood, but my first thought was “I'm too old.” My priest then told me about Pope St John XXIII. I attended one of the vocation retreats at PSJS in the fall of 2023 and it was a great weekend. I felt comfortable right away. I officially applied and was thrilled to learn of my acceptance.
There are a couple of reasons I felt PSJS was the right place for me. First, I would be around men who are close to my age. And second, it was a comfortable thought knowing I would be in seminary with men who have children. I have two children, ages 25 and 22, and they, with all of my family, have been very supportive of me. I am looking forward to this journey and, God willing, I hope to become a priest.