
Formal Application Process

Candidates apply for admission to our Seminary under the sponsorship of a diocese or religious order. The Seminary must have formal evidence of sponsorship prior to reviewing an application. (See our list of Partner Dioceses and their respective Vocation Offices).

Should you be interested in admission to Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, your Vocation Director may request an Application Packet from the Seminary for you.  The Application Packet contains forms which request some general background data, the names of (3) priests for references, requests a 500 word autobiography focusing on significant influences in your decision to apply and a recent photo. The applicant also provides the Seminary with  educational transcripts, testimonials from business/career associates, work history, records of sacraments, health status, military discharge (if applicable), names of any previous religious institutions attended, psychological test results (arranged by sponsoring diocese/order), etc.

Upon completion, formal applications are reviewed by the Board of Admissions. If the Board’s decision is favorable, the applicant is invited to the Seminary for interviews.


At a mutually convenient time, the invited candidate visits the Seminary for a couple days. He is interviewed by members of the Board of Admissions and meets with the Seminary’s consulting psychologist to review the psychological testing. Subsequently, a final review is made regarding the candidate who is then informed of the Board’s decision.

Application Timing

Applications are accepted at any time during the year. However, as the process may take up to two months, once you are accepted for sponsorship by your diocese/order, the process should begin as soon as feasible. If possible, an approved applicant is also encouraged to visit when the Seminary is in session (September through April). This allows firsthand observation of the Seminary program and community life. While not officially part of the admissions process, such visits may be useful in terms of personal vocational discernment.

Tuition and Financial Assistance

Tuition is billed to the sponsoring diocese or religious community (an estimated additional allowance of $5,000 will be needed annually for personal living expenses, health insurance [if not otherwise provided], books and automobile expenses).  The Seminary participates in the Federal Family Educational Loan Program and qualified students can obtain Federal Stafford Loans. In addition to student loans, veterans may apply for assistance through the GI Bill.®

"Gi Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at"

Enrollment Information

Tuition is billed to each seminarian or his sponsoring diocese or religious community on an annual basis.  Please call 781-899-5500 for current tuition rates.

  • Annual Tuition Room & Board: $45,000

    • Tuition - $28,500
    • Room & Board - $16,500
  • Tuition per Credit Hour (non-seminarian) - $500 per semester
  • Audit Fee (non-seminarian) - $250 per course

Tuition will be refunded in accordance with the following schedule:        

  • Within the third week of class - 80%
  • Within the fourth week of class - 60%
  • Within the fifth week of class - 40%
  • Within the sixth week of class - 20%

Additional Fees:           

  • Transcript Fee - $10
  • Refundable Room Deposit - $500


Please contact your Vocation Director or Sponsor for access to the online application form. 

You may also contact the PSJS Admissions Office at: