The Learning Center is the newest facility on the Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary campus and was completed during the Christmas holidays of 2015. The space, which is designed to meet the ongoing educative needs of an increasingly tech savvy seminary population, was funded by a successful capital campaign—The Pathways to the Future—initiated in 2012.
The Learning Center houses over 60,000 volumes of books and provides access to physical and digital journals with an emphasis on theological research.
Surrounded by a scenic wooded backdrop, the Learning Center offers ample quiet space for group and individual study.
Professional library staff members are available daily Monday through Friday to assist with all research needs.
Recent Acquisitions.jpg)
The Cross and the Flag: Papal Diplomacy and John Paul II’s Struggle Against Tyranny of the Possible, Rev. John Tanyi Nquah Lebui; St. Augustine’s Press, 2024.
Fundamental Theology, Guy Mancini, OSB.; CUA , 2018 ; Sacra Doctrina Series.
An Introduction to the Trinity, Declan Marmion and Rik Van Nieuwenhove; Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Retrieving Nicaea: The Development and meaning of the Trinitarian Doctrine, Khaled Anatolios; Baker Academic Press, 2011.
Reading Backwards: Figural Christology and the Fourfold Gospel Witness, Richard B. Hays, Baylor University Press, 2014.
The Bible and the Priesthood: Priestly Participation in the One Sacrifice for Sins, Anthony Giambrone, OP; Baker Academic Press, 2022.
The Blackwell Companion to Christian Spirituality, edited by Arthur Holder; Wiley-Blackwell, 2005.
Seat of Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy in the Catholic Tradition, James M. Jacobs, CUA Press, 2022
Paul and His Recent Interpreters: Some Contemporary Debates, N.T. Wright, Fortress Press ed., 2015
Catholic Social Thought: Encyclicals and Documents from Pope Leo XIII to Pope Francis, edited by David J. O’Brien and Thomas A Shannon, 2016
The Trinity: On the Nature and Mystery of the One God, Thomas Joseph White, OP; CUA Press, 2022
The Psalms: Songs of Faith and Praise: The Revised Grail Psalter with Commentary and Prayers, Gregory J. Polan, OSB, 2014
A Deeper Vision: The Catholic Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century by Robert Royal
Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word: Meditations on the Gospel according to Saint Matthew, volume IV, 2021; Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis
The Great Conversations: A Historical Introduction to Philosophy, 2019; by Norman Melchert, David Morrow, eighth ed.
Introduction to the Prophets: Their Stories, Sayings, and Scrolls, 2017; by Thomas L. Leclerc
Augustine and the Cure of Souls: Revising a Classical Ideal, 2010; by Paul Kolbet