Dr. John Millard Passes Home to the Lord

Dr. John Millard

We share this message today with you from Very Rev. Brian R. Kiely, Rector of the Seminary, about the passing of Dr. John Millard, Professor of Philosophy


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It is with a deep sadness that I share with you the news that DR. JOHN F. MILLARD suffered a massive heart attack and died yesterday, May 24th, in Rhode Island.

Pope St. John Seminary has been so blessed by the many years of faithful and generous service that Dr. Millard rendered as a member of our Faculty and our Seminary family. Dr. Millard was a wonderful example of a devout Catholic whose love and understanding of our Faith permeated all that he said and did. We who were privileged to collaborate with him in the formation of men for the Priesthood, appreciated his wise counsel and keen insights as well as his delightful sense of humor. John’s infectious laughter brightened many meetings and reverberated throughout the Seminary whenever he was in the building. His love of learning was so obvious in the manner in which he shared his vast knowledge with his students and enriched their intellectual formation with his insights and observations. Dr. Millard loved God and the Church and his enthusiasm for teaching about both was reflected in his desire to impart that same love to those privileged to learn from him.

However, the memory that I will remember most about John was the deep love, dedication, and devotion that he had for his wonderful wife Maria who now survives him. I would often encounter John in the back of the Chapel in quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament as he asked the Lord for the graces to help him take care of Maria as her health declined. John was such a faithful husband and friend to Maria and their marriage exemplified what the Lord intended when He said that “two shall become one.” Please keep his precious Maria in your prayers as she endures this final testimony to her love for John by graciously letting him go home to the Lord even as she grieves his loss.

The Funeral arrangements are incomplete, and I will share them with you as they become known. In the meantime, please join me in praying that God will embrace John with His merciful love and welcome him home to Paradise. May Mary, the Mother of all Consolation, intercede with her Son for all of us who loved John and grant to us the grace and strength we need during these days of tremendous sadness and loss. May our brother John receive now the reward of his labors and rest in the Peace of that Kingdom that he served so faithfully while here among us. 

With my love and prayers for you and my thanks for the many ways in which you enriched John’s life by your love and care for him, and asking for a remembrance in your prayers as well, I remain,

Fraternally Yours,

Fr. Brian Kiely