Before attending Pope St. John XXIII, my employment experience included jobs in the grocery, retail, customer service, custodial and maintenance services, and healthcare industries. In the healthcare realm, I worked in the admissions and customer service departments of an in-patient drug/alcohol detox and psychiatric hospital and also in a full-service hospital. After receiving the Eucharist at Daily Mass, I experienced what I believe to be a powerful, clear, and humbling calling from the Holy Trinity to become a priest, and many doors opened. I am a Third Degree Knight of Columbus, and I have a loving devotion to Mother Mary.
What brought me to Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary specifically are the generosity and recommendations from my bishop and vocation director, along with splendid interviews and an acceptance by seminary formators and the Rector. My hobbies include swimming, camping, watersports, and skateboarding. I am blessed and grateful to be a seminarian at Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary and pray that God wills for me to be ordained a priest.