Message from the Coordinator of Pastoral Formation

Developing pastoral skills is an essential part of priestly formation, incorporating human, spiritual and intellectual growth into practical pastoral ministry. “Through pastoral formation, the seminarian learns how to express the other three in pastoral charity, the overall goal of priestly formation.” (Program of Priestly Formation No. 116).

The goal of the pastoral experience is to form priests who will be shepherds to God’s people. Jesus the Good Shepherd carrying a lamb on his shoulder, and Jesus washing the feet of his disciples are two images that powerfully represent the goal of pastoral formation. “I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.” (John 13:15)

Through the pastoral experiences here at Pope St. John XXIII, the seminarian will gain an understanding of the key dimensions of priestly ministry, and by extension the work of Jesus as teacher, priest, and leader. These experiences align the seminarians with the mission of Christ, who came to serve and not to be served.

Varied opportunities during the four years will familiarize the seminarian with the work of the Church, with the goal of developing and honing ministerial skills. These experiences will provide an opportunity to observe and reflect on the life of priestly ministry, which in turn will assist in the seminarian’s vocational discernment. Examples of the various pastoral ministry experiences are included below:

Prison Ministry

Social Justice Outreach

Pro-Life Activities

Hospital/Nursing Home Visitation

Parish Religious Education

Campus Ministry

Parish Youth Ministry

Working with the Homeless

Parish Life

Sacramental Preparation

Year of Diaconate Parish Ministry


Through supervised pastoral assignments in parishes, hospitals, and other social service settings, seminarians learn to apply theological principles in real-world situations. This hands-on training helps seminarians build the confidence, empathy, and discernment needed to effectively lead and support their future parish communities.


Deacon John D. Nicholson
Coordinator of Pastoral Formation